e-Twinning DİLBER ACAR

e-Twinning DİLBER ACAR

ıf you are good, everytihing will be good


Founded by Nesrin Şahinoğulları Balıkçı from Turkey and Manjola Ceka from Albania, our project "If you are good, everything will be fine", covering students between the ages of 7-11, is our international project with partners from Turkey, Albania, Italy, Jordan , Moldova , Romania and Serbia:

 Our aim is to ensure that students have positive social relationships, empathy, social skills, permanence and positive attitudes...


3/B sınıfı öğrencileri ve sınıf  öğretmenimiz Dilber Acar'a teşekkür ederiz.

26.03.2024 184
